Lista de Palabras Nivel A2 - Flores, Frutas y Nueces
Aquí aprenderás algunas palabras en inglés sobre flores, frutas y nueces, como "orchid", "watermelon", "almond", etc. preparadas para estudiantes de A2.
Tarjetas de memoria
the activity of working on a farm and growing crops or producing animal products by raising them

a large, round, and juicy fruit that is red on the inside and has green stripes on its hard and thick skin

a sweet large and tropical fruit that has brown skin, pointy leaves, and yellow flesh which is very juicy

a bell-shaped tropical fruit with bright green flesh, dark skin and a big stony seed

a round, citrusy fruit with yellow-orange skin, like a large orange

pomelo, toronja
a garden plant or its flower that has thorns, smells nice, and comes in different colors

a small fruit with a seed inside a hard shell that grows on some trees

nuez, fruto seco
a type of nut that could be eaten, growing underground in a thin shell

cacahuete, maní