Académico IELTS (Banda 8 y Superior) - Value
Aquí aprenderá algunas palabras en inglés relacionadas con el valor que son necesarias para el examen IELTS académico.
Tarjetas de memoria
having a much higher quality and price than the rest of their kind

de alta gama, de lujo

luxurious and stylish, often associated with wealth or a high social status

lujoso, elegante

fashionably fancy, often associated with wealth and high social standing

elegante, lujoso

referring to the act of granting privileges, discounts, or allowances

concesionario, de concesión

to lower the market value or reduce the market appeal of a product

deprimir, reducir el valor

to reduce the intrinsic value or quality of something, especially currency, by decreasing the amount of valuable material it contains
