Lista de Palabras Nivel C2 - Comprensión e Inteligencia
Aquí aprenderá todas las palabras esenciales para hablar sobre comprensión e inteligencia, recopiladas específicamente para estudiantes de nivel C2.
Tarjetas de memoria
quick to understand and judge people, things, and situations accurately

possessing practical knowledge, expertise, or understanding in a particular domain

sagaz, astuto

displaying good judgment in different things, especially about their quality

adept at swift, effective decision-making or response in fast-paced scenarios

rápido de pensamiento, de pensamiento ágil

lacking knowledge or understanding in a particular subject or area

analfabeto, iletrado

involving careful thought, analysis, and intellectual engagement

cerebral, intelectual

characterized by extreme foolishness, lack of intelligence, or absurdity

morónico, idiota

characterized by a lack of intelligence, poor judgment, or foolishness

tonto, necio

having a tendency to be forgetful, disorganized, or easily distracted

distraído, despistado

cautious and attentive of one's surrounding, especially to detect and respond to potential dangers or problems

quick and clever with their words, often expressing humor or cleverness in a sharp and amusing way

agudo, ingenioso, ocurrente
possessing quick intelligence and an ability to make clever remarks or observations

agudo, sarcástico