Liste de Mots Niveau B1 - Professions
Ici, vous apprendrez quelques mots anglais sur des métiers, tels que « barbier », « boucher », « constructeur », etc. préparés pour les apprenants B1.
someone whose job is to put out fires and save people or animals from dangerous situations
someone whose job is to take care of a child or children while their parents are away
![nourrice, nounou](
nourrice, nounou
a company or person that represents another person or company or manages their affairs
![agent, agente](
agent, agente
a person who gathers and reports news or does interviews for a newspaper, TV, radio station, etc.
![journaliste, reporter](
journaliste, reporter
a married woman who does the housework such as cooking, cleaning, etc. and takes care of the children, and does not work outside the house
![femme au foyer](
femme au foyer
a person who works independently without having a long-term contract with companies
![travailleur indépendant, free-lance](
travailleur indépendant, free-lance
someone whose job is to give advice professionally on a particular subject
![conseiller, conseillère](
conseiller, conseillère
a person who manages or is in charge of an activity, department, or organization
![directeur, directeuse](
directeur, directeuse
someone whose job is to change written or spoken words from one language to another
![traducteur, traductrice](
traducteur, traductrice
someone who is in charge of a newspaper agency, magazine, etc. and decides what should be published
![rédacteur en chef, rédactrice en chef](
rédacteur en chef, rédactrice en chef
a teacher who gives lessons privately to one student or a small group
![tuteur, tutrice, professeur](
tuteur, tutrice, professeur
someone whose job is selling or buying shares, goods, or currencies
![commerçant, commerçante](
commerçant, commerçante
an expert who is employed to check or work with technical equipment or machines
![technicien, technicienne](
technicien, technicienne
a person who works on a plane to bring passengers meals and take care of them
![steward, hôtesse de l'air](
steward, hôtesse de l'air