Le livre Face2face - Intermédiaire Supérieur - Unité 7 - 7C
Vous trouverez ici le vocabulaire des unités 7 à 7C du manuel de cours Face2Face Intermédiaire supérieur, tel que « surestimation », « autonomie », « abus », etc.
to give or assign a greater level of importance to something than it actually has

surestimer, surestimer à la hausse

a graduate student who is studying at a university to get a more advanced degree

étudiant de troisième cycle
to underestimate the financial value or worth of as an asset, a company, currency, etc.

sous-estimer, dévaluer

in a manner that is not based on scientific principles or methods; lacking scientific rigor or accuracy

de manière non scientifique, de façon non scientifique

to change or explain what something means in a way that makes people see it in a new or different way

redéfinir, reconfigurer

able to take care of oneself without needing help from others

autonome, indépendant

opposing the use of nuclear weapons or nuclear power as a source of energy due to its potential dangers and harmful effects

antinucléaire, contre les armes nucléaires

involving or relating to multiple countries or nationalities

multinational, multinationale