Le livre Insight - Intermédiaire - Unité 4 - 4D
Vous trouverez ici le vocabulaire des unités 4 à 4D du manuel de cours Insight Intermediate, tel que « participant », « adresse », « collecte de fonds », etc.
to freely give goods, money, or food to someone or an organization
![donner [qch] pour, faire un don de](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/fr.png)
donner [qch] pour, faire un don de
knowledge or understanding of a specific situation, fact, or issue

conscience, connaissance
a series of organized activities that are intended to achieve a particular goal

a person who works actively to support or promote a particular cause or campaign

militant, campagnard

someone who does manual work, particularly a heavy and exhausting one to earn money

ouvrier, travailleur

a person or company that promotes or advertises a product, service, or event to increase its popularity or sales

promoteur, promotrice
a company or organization that supplies and delivers products or materials from a manufacturer, supplier, or publisher to businesses, retailers, or end-users

distributeur, répartiteur

a person or organization that provides financial or other support for a project, activity, or person, often in exchange for advertising or public recognition

parrain, sponsor
someone or something that gives money, clothes, etc. to a charity for free

donateur, donatrice
to collect money or other resources from various sources, typically for a specific purpose or organization

collecter des fonds, lever des fonds