本 Insight - 中級 - ユニット 4 - 4D
ここでは、「参加者」、「住所」、「募金」など、Insight 中級コースブックのユニット 4 - 4D の語彙を見つけることができます。
to put something or someone in a higher place or lift them to a higher position

持ち上げる, 昇進させる

a series of organized activities that are intended to achieve a particular goal

キャンペーン, 作戦

a person who works actively to support or promote a particular cause or campaign

キャンペーナー, 活動家

someone who does manual work, particularly a heavy and exhausting one to earn money

作業者, 労働者

a person or company that promotes or advertises a product, service, or event to increase its popularity or sales

プロモーター, 主催者

a company or organization that supplies and delivers products or materials from a manufacturer, supplier, or publisher to businesses, retailers, or end-users

流通業者, ディストリビューター

a person or organization that provides financial or other support for a project, activity, or person, often in exchange for advertising or public recognition

スポンサー, 支援者