
Interaction Sociale - Outils et compétences de communication

Explorez les proverbes anglais concernant les outils et les compétences de communication avec des dictons tels que « le must est la parole d'un roi » et « la longueur engendre la haine ».







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Social Interaction
a civil question deserves a civil answer

used as a reminder of the importance of effective communication and the role that civility can play in resolving conflicts and promoting peaceful interactions

une question civile mérite une réponse civile

une question civile mérite une réponse civile

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a drink is shorter than a tale

used to encourage people to be efficient and effective in their communication in order to make the most of their time and keep their audience's attention

un verre est plus court qu'un conte

un verre est plus court qu'un conte

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a good tongue is a good weapon

used to say that the ability to speak eloquently and effectively can be a powerful tool to achieve one's goals, influence others, or resolve conflicts

a good listener is a silent flatterer

used to imply that when someone listens attentively to another person, they are showing respect and appreciation for that person's thoughts and ideas

un bon auditeur est un flatteur silencieux

un bon auditeur est un flatteur silencieux

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a nod is as good as a wink to a blind horse

used to suggest that subtle communication or hints can be just as effective as explicit communication with someone who is ignorant or oblivious to the situation

un signe de tête vaut un clin d'œil à un cheval aveugle

un signe de tête vaut un clin d'œil à un cheval aveugle

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a picture is worth a thousand words

used to emphasize the importance of visual aids in communication, as a single picture can be more impactful and effective than a long text in conveying complex ideas or messages

une image vaut mille mots

une image vaut mille mots

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actions speak louder than words

used to say that people's actions show their true intentions or beliefs more clearly than their words

L'action a plus de poids que les mots

L'action a plus de poids que les mots

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must is a king's word

used to emphasize that when one expresses their thoughts or gives instructions, it is important to do so with certainty and assertiveness

il faut que ce soit une parole de roi

il faut que ce soit une parole de roi

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a gentle tongue is a tree of life, but perverseness in it breaks the spirit

used to imply the power of language in shaping interactions, highlighting the value of using kind and gentle words to bring joy while avoiding harm caused by harsh or deceitful language

une langue douce est un arbre de vie, mais la perversité qu'elle contient brise l'esprit

une langue douce est un arbre de vie, mais la perversité qu'elle contient brise l'esprit

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be swift to hear and slow to speak

used to imply the importance of listening carefully before speaking, highlighting the value of patience and restraint in communication to avoid misunderstandings and conflicts

être rapide à entendre et lent à parler

être rapide à entendre et lent à parler

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every picture tells a story

used to suggest that something is obvious or self-evident based on how it appears visually, as an image can reveal important information and convey a message without the need for words

Chaque photo raconte une histoire

Chaque photo raconte une histoire

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hard words break no bones

used to encourage using words thoughtfully to avoid causing emotional harm, highlighting the power of language to affect others' feelings despite not causing physical harm

les mots durs ne brisent aucun os

les mots durs ne brisent aucun os

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you (can) catch more flies with honey than (with) vinegar

used to suggest that a positive and respectful approach is more effective in achieving one's goals than a negative or hostile one

kind words will unlock an iron door

used to suggest that using gentle language can help overcome difficulties and achieve goals as it can inspire trust in others and make them more receptive to suggestions and requests

length begets loathing

used to suggest that something that continues for too long becomes tedious, boring, or irritating, causing people to lose interest or patience with it

many a true word is spoken in jest

used to emphasize the importance of paying attention to humor and joking, recognizing that they can sometimes reveal deeper truths or insights into a person's beliefs or attitudes

beaucoup de mots vrais sont prononcés en plaisantant

beaucoup de mots vrais sont prononcés en plaisantant

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