Verbes de Défi et de Compétition - Verbes pour faire face aux défis
Ici, vous apprendrez quelques verbes anglais faisant référence à des défis tels que « rencontrer », « confronter » et « deal with ».
to deal with a given situation, especially an unpleasant one
faire face à
to be faced with an unexpected difficulty during a process
to face or deal with a problem or difficult situation directly
faire face à
to try to deal with a difficult problem or situation in a determined manner
s’attaquer à
to take the necessary action regarding someone or something specific, especially as a part of your job
faire face à
to make arrangements for something to be addressed or completed
to attempt to deal with a challenging or difficult situation or problem
to do something negative to achieve a goal, often when there are no better options available
to rely on something or ask someone for help, particularly in situations where other options have failed
to continue making efforts toward achieving a goal
persévérer dans
to make an effort to achieve a goal or complete a task