
Slovesa Výzvy a Soutěže - Slovesa pro čelit výzvám

Zde se naučíte některá anglická slovesa odkazující na výzvy, jako je „setkat se“, „čelit“ a „vypořádat se s“.









Začněte se učit
Categorized English Verbs of Challenge and Competition
to face

to deal with a given situation, especially an unpleasant one

čelit, postavit se

čelit, postavit se

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to encounter

to be faced with an unexpected difficulty during a process

narazit, potkat

narazit, potkat

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to confront

to face or deal with a problem or difficult situation directly

čelit, konfrontovat

čelit, konfrontovat

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to tackle

to try to deal with a difficult problem or situation in a determined manner

řešit, zabývat se

řešit, zabývat se

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to deal with

to take the necessary action regarding someone or something specific

zabývat se, řešit

zabývat se, řešit

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to see about

to make arrangements for something to be addressed or completed

postarat se o, podívat se na

postarat se o, podívat se na

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to receive

to undergo certain conditions, emotions, or situations

dostat, podstoupit

dostat, podstoupit

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to undergo

to experience or endure a process, change, or event

podstoupit, zažít

podstoupit, zažít

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to experience

to go through a difficult event or situation

zažít, překonat

zažít, překonat

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to grapple with

to attempt to deal with a challenging or difficult situation or problem

utkat se s, snažit se vyrovnat se s

utkat se s, snažit se vyrovnat se s

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to see to

to attend to a specific task or responsibility

postarat se o, věnovat se

postarat se o, věnovat se

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to resort to

to do something negative to achieve a goal, often when there are no better options available

uchýlit se k, použít

uchýlit se k, použít

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to fall back on

to rely on something or ask someone for help, particularly in situations where other options have failed

spolehnout se na, obrátit se na

spolehnout se na, obrátit se na

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to stick at

to continue making efforts toward achieving a goal

vytrvat v, nepřestávat se snažit

vytrvat v, nepřestávat se snažit

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to try

to make an effort or attempt to do or have something

zkusit, snažit se

zkusit, snažit se

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to strive

to try as hard as possible to achieve a goal

usilovat, snažit se

usilovat, snažit se

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to attempt

to try to complete or do something difficult

pokoušet se, zkusit

pokoušet se, zkusit

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to endeavor

to make an effort to achieve a goal or complete a task

vynakládat úsilí, snažit se

vynakládat úsilí, snažit se

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to essay

to make an effort in performing a task or activity

snažit se, zkoušet

snažit se, zkoušet

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to work at

to attempt to improve something

pracovat na, snažit se zlepšit

pracovat na, snažit se zlepšit

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