Entraînement Général IELTS (Band 6-7) - États émotionnels positifs
Ici, vous apprendrez quelques mots anglais liés aux états émotionnels positifs qui sont nécessaires à l'examen IELTS de formation générale.
satisfied and happy with one's current situation or circumstances
content, satisfait
experiencing extreme happiness or great delight
très heureux, enchanté
full of energy, enthusiasm, and lively spirit
enthousiaste, vivace
intensely interested or fascinated by something
captivé, fasciné
expressing enthusiastic praise or admiration, often characterized by warmth and positivity
élogieux, rayonnant
having a lively, energetic, or enthusiastic nature
dynamique, vif
pleased, satisfied, or content, often as a result of fulfilling an expectation or desire
satisfait, content
experiencing or expressing extreme happiness, excitement, or success
débordant de joie
experiencing a lack of disturbance, worry, or anxiety
sereine, tranquille
feeling free from worry, stress, or anxiety after a challenging or difficult situation
soulagé, soulage
having recieved reassurance, consolation, or given a sense of support and ease
réconforté, apaisé
experiencing a sense of happiness, peace, or satisfaction
satisfait, content