Entrenamiento General IELTS (Banda 6-7) - Estados emocionales positivos
Aquí aprenderá algunas palabras en inglés relacionadas con los estados emocionales positivos que son necesarias para el examen IELTS de capacitación general.
Tarjetas de memoria
very excited, happy, or pleased about something
entusiasmado, encantado
satisfied and happy with one's current situation or circumstances
experiencing extreme happiness or great delight
muy feliz, encantado
full of energy, enthusiasm, and lively spirit
entusiasta, animado
intensely interested or fascinated by something
cautivado, fascinado
expressing enthusiastic praise or admiration, often characterized by warmth and positivity
entusiasta, brillante
having a lively, energetic, or enthusiastic nature
animado, vivaz
pleased, satisfied, or content, often as a result of fulfilling an expectation or desire
satisfecho, complacido
experiencing or expressing extreme happiness, excitement, or success
having a relaxed, worry-free nature
sin preocupaciones, despreocupado
experiencing a lack of disturbance, worry, or anxiety
despreocupado, sereno
feeling free from worry, stress, or anxiety after a challenging or difficult situation
aliviado, aliviada
having recieved reassurance, consolation, or given a sense of support and ease
confortado, acompañado
experiencing a sense of happiness, peace, or satisfaction
contento, satisfecho
cheerful and free of concern or anxiety
desenfadado, alegre