Éducation - Termes et méthodes d'évaluation
Ici, vous apprendrez quelques mots anglais liés aux termes et méthodes d'évaluation tels que « test », « quiz » et « final ».
an examination that consists of a set of questions, exercises, or activities to measure someone’s knowledge, skill, or ability
a formal written, practical, or spoken test used to assess someone's knowledge or skill in a specific subject or field
the process of testing the knowledge of students in order to evaluate their level or progress
a form of assessment that evaluates students' academic progress and performance based on the curriculum they are taught
mesure basée sur le curriculum, évaluation basée sur le programme
something we say, write, or do when we are replying to a question
the supervision of examinations to ensure fairness and compliance with rules
surveillance des examens, invigilance
an examination or test administered halfway through an academic term
examen de mi-session, partiel
an examination or assessment administered at the end of an academic term or course
le final, l'examen final
an exam given as a replacement for a missed or failed one
rattrapage, examen de rattrapage
an opportunity to take an examination again after failing it initially
rattrapage, examen de seconde chance
the act of examining and making corrections or alterations to a text, plan, etc.
révision, modification
(of a quiz, question, etc.) providing several different responses from which only one is correct
à choix multiple
a test or assessment conducted verbally, where a student answers questions or presents information orally
examen oral, épreuve orale
an assessment where students provide written responses within a set time
examen écrit, épreuve écrite
a test that replicates a situation and intends to evaluate one's skill and ability in performing certain tasks and duties
examen pratique, test pratique
an oral examination or discussion, often conducted as part of an academic assessment or defense of a thesis or dissertation
examen oral, viva voce