शुरुआत करने वाले 2 - स्वत्वबोधक निर्धारक शब्द
यहां आप शुरुआती स्तर के छात्रों के लिए तैयार अंग्रेजी स्वामित्व निर्धारक, जैसे "हमारा", "मेरा", और "इसके" सीखेंगे।
समीक्षा करें
(first-person singular possessive determiner) of or belonging to the speaker or writer
मेरा, मेरे
(second-person possessive determiner) of or belonging to the person or people being spoken or written to
तुम्हारा, आपका
(first-person plural possessive determiner) of or belonging to a speaker when they want to talk or write about themselves and at least one other person
(third-person plural possessive determiner) of or belonging to people, animals, or things that have already been mentioned or are easy to identify
(third-person singular possessive determiner) of or belonging to a man or boy who has already been mentioned or is easy to identify
उसका, उसके
(third-person singular possessive determiner) of or belonging to a thing or an animal or child of unknown sex
इसका, इसका
(third-person singular possessive determiner) of or belonging to a female human or animal that was previously mentioned or one that is easy to identify
उसका, उसके