SAT परीक्षा के लिए आवश्यक शब्दावली - ताकत और सुधार
यहां आप ताकत और सुधार से संबंधित कुछ अंग्रेजी शब्द सीखेंगे, जैसे "फोर्टिफाई", "बोल्स्टर", "एनरिच", आदि जिनकी आपको अपने एसएटी में सफलता प्राप्त करने के लिए आवश्यकता होगी।
समीक्षा करें
to give someone the power or authorization to do something particular

सशक्त करना, अधिकार देना

to reduce from the difficulty or intensity of a problem, issue, etc.

निम्न करना, कम करना

to strengthen a position of power or success so that it lasts longer

मजबूती देना, सुदृढ़ करना

to provide support or justification in order to make something stronger or more secure

समर्थन करना, मजबूत करना

to protect from harm or criticism by proving it's right or justified

सुधारना, निष्कर्ष करना

to enhance or make something more effective by providing additional resources, encouragement, or positive feedback

मजबूत करना, सुदृढ़ करना

to bring back strength or energy to something that was previously lacking

पुनर्जीवित करना, नई ऊर्जा देना

to bring back into use, activity, or prominence

पुनर्जीवित करना, फिर से सक्रिय करना

to increase or enhance the amount, level, or intensity of something

बढ़ाना, विकसित करना

to enhance the quality of something, particularly by adding something to it

समृद्ध करना, सुधारना

to bring something back into existence or operation, especially after a period of inactivity or decline

पुनर्स्थापित करना, फिर से स्थापित करना

to make something stronger, more powerful, or more intense

प्रतिस्थापित करना, सशक्त करना

to make something, particularly something unpleasant or unsatisfactory, better or more bearable

सुधारना, कम करना

characterized by a strong emphasis or focus, often aimed at achieving significant progress or impact

गहन, तीव्र

commanding great respect or fear due to having exceptional strength, excellence, or capabilities

दर्शनीय, विस्मयकारी

impossible to resist or refuse, usually because of being very appealing or attractive
