
Színek és Formák - A sötétzöld árnyalatai

Olvassa el ezt a leckét, hogy megtanulja a sötétzöld különböző árnyalatainak elnevezését angolul, például „olíva”, „erdőzöld” és „vadászzöld”.









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Words Related to Colors and Shapes
Brunswick green

displaying a deep, rich, and dark shade of green that is often associated with the color used on the livery of Brunswick trains in the United Kingdom

Brunswick zöld

Brunswick zöld

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forest green

having a deep, rich shade of green that resembles the color of pine trees and forests

erdőzöld, sötétzöld

erdőzöld, sötétzöld

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sap green

of a yellowish-green color resembling the color of the sap from a maple tree

nedves zöld, sárgászöld

nedves zöld, sárgászöld

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hunter green

having a dark, muted shade of green that resembles the color of evergreen trees and is often associated with hunting

vadász zöld, sötét zöld

vadász zöld, sötét zöld

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Islamic green

having a shade of green that is often associated with the Islamic religion and culture

iszlám zöld, koráni zöld

iszlám zöld, koráni zöld

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sage green

having a pale, grayish-green color resembling the color of dried sage leaves

zsályazöld, szürkészöld

zsályazöld, szürkészöld

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grayish-green in color

olívazöld, zöldes oliva

olívazöld, zöldes oliva

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Pakistan Green

having a shade of green that is commonly associated with the national flag of Pakistan

pakisztáni zöld, smaragd zöld

pakisztáni zöld, smaragd zöld

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army green

displaying a muted, olive green color that is often used in military uniforms and equipment

hadász zöld, olíva zöld

hadász zöld, olíva zöld

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fern green

of a yellowish-green color resembling the color of a fern plant



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Gotham green

having a deep, dark shade of green that is reminiscent of the color of lush, evergreen foliage found in nature

Gotham zöld, sötét zöld

Gotham zöld, sötét zöld

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pine green

having a dark, cool shade of green resembling the color of pine trees

fenyőzöld, sötét zöld

fenyőzöld, sötét zöld

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acid green

having a vibrant, neon-like green color that is highly saturated and often associated with a fluorescent or glowing appearance

savanyú zöld, fluoreszkáló zöld

savanyú zöld, fluoreszkáló zöld

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cadmium green

having a vibrant and intense green color that is reminiscent of the pigment used in artist's paints



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rifle green

having a dark green color that is commonly associated with military uniforms and equipment

puskazöld, katonai zöld

puskazöld, katonai zöld

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spring green

having a bright and vivid yellow-green color reminiscent of the color of new growth in springtime

tavaszi zöld, élénk zöld

tavaszi zöld, élénk zöld

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jungle green

having a deep and lush green color, evoking the rich tones found in the dense foliage of tropical jungles

dzsungel zöld, mély zöld

dzsungel zöld, mély zöld

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shamrock green

displaying a bright and vivid shade of green resembling the color of the leaves of the clover plant



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moss green

displaying a medium to dark green color with a slightly yellowish or grayish tone, resembling the color of moss

mohazöld, zöld moh

mohazöld, zöld moh

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grass green

having a bright, vibrant shade of green that resembles the color of fresh grass and foliage

fűzöld, élénk zöld

fűzöld, élénk zöld

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Phthalo green

of a bright, highly saturated green pigment often used in painting and other visual arts

ftal zöld, phthalo zöld

ftal zöld, phthalo zöld

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having a bright green color

smaragdzöld, smaragd

smaragdzöld, smaragd

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having the color of fresh grass or most plant leaves

zöld, friss zöld

zöld, friss zöld

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having a dull, grayish-green

olívazöld, olíva zöld

olívazöld, olíva zöld

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