Könyv: English Result - Alapszint - 9-9A egység
Itt megtalálja az angol Result Elementary tankönyv 9. - 9A. részében található szókészletet, például "repülőtér", "peron", "indulási kapu" stb.
a large place where planes take off and land, with buildings and facilities for passengers to wait for their flights
a place where multiple buses begin and end their journeys, particularly a journey between towns or cites
a specific location in an airport where passengers leave from to board their flight
the raised surface in a station next to a railroad track where people can get on and off a train
a series of connected carriages that travel on a railroad, often pulled by a locomotive
a place where trains regularly stop for passengers to get on and off
a city's railway system that is below the ground, usually in big cities