
Viselkedés, Attitűd és Megközelítés - Optimizmus

Merüljön el az optimizmusra utaló angol közmondásokba, mint például a "tetején mindig van hely" és "a remény örökkévaló".







Indítsa el a tanulást
Behavior, Attitude, & ApproachViselkedés, Attitűd és Megközelítés
never say die

used to encourage people to maintain a positive attitude, stay persistent, and keep trying until they achieve their goals

soha ne mondj meghalni

soha ne mondj meghalni

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never say never

used to encourage people to keep an open mind and avoid making definitive statements about the future or their abilities, as circumstances and perspectives can change

soha ne mond hogy soha

soha ne mond hogy soha

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nothing so bad, as not to be good for something

used to imply that even the worst experiences or situations can have a beneficial impact, as they can provide valuable lessons and opportunities for personal growth and development

semmi olyan rossz, mintha valamire ne lenne jó

semmi olyan rossz, mintha valamire ne lenne jó

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nothing so bad but (it) might have been worse

used to indicate that a difficult situation could have been much worse, encouraging gratitude and a positive attitude towards overcoming challenges

semmi rossz, de lehetett volna rosszabb is

semmi rossz, de lehetett volna rosszabb is

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there is always room at the top

used to suggest that success and achievement are not limited to a select few, but can be achieved by anyone who works hard and stays dedicated to their goals

mindig van hely a tetején

mindig van hely a tetején

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tomorrow is another day

used to suggest that if things do not go as planned or if someone experiences a setback or failure, there is always another opportunity to try again the next day

holnap egy újabb nap

holnap egy újabb nap

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watch the doughnut and not the hole

used to suggest that people should focus on the positive aspects of a situation, rather than the negative ones, and appreciate what they have, instead of focusing on what they lack

a fánkot figyeld és ne a lyukat

a fánkot figyeld és ne a lyukat

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while there is life there is hope

used to emphasize that as long as someone is alive, there is always a chance for positive change or improvement

amíg élünk, remélünk

amíg élünk, remélünk

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hope springs eternal

used to imply that hope and optimism are a fundamental part of human nature, and that people have an inherent ability to remain positive and hopeful, even during difficult times

hope is a good breakfast but a bad supper

used to imply that while hope and optimism can be beneficial at the beginning of a task, a realistic and practical approach may be necessary to overcome obstacles and achieve success

if it were not for hope, the heart would break

used to imply that hope is a powerful and necessary force that helps us endure difficult times and overcome challenges

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