Általános Képzés IELTS (5-ös vagy Alacsonyabb Sáv) - Speciális karrierek
Itt megtudhat néhány olyan angol szót, amelyek a Specialized Careers-hez kapcsolódnak, és amelyek szükségesek az általános képzési IELTS vizsgához.
someone who is in charge of running a business or managing part or all of a company or organization
menedzser, igazgató
someone whose job is to put out fires and save people or animals from dangerous situations
tűzoltó, tűzoltósági
a person who designs, fixes, or builds roads, machines, bridges, etc.
a professional who studies and analyzes economic theories, trends, and data to provide insights into economic issues
a person who practices or studies law, advises people about the law or represents them in court
ügyvéd, ügyvédnő
a person who is trained to treat a particular type of disease or disorder, particularly by using a specific therapy
terapeuta, szakember
a professional who studies behavior and mental processes to understand and treat psychological disorders and improve overall mental health
a healthcare professional whose job is to prepare and sell medications, and works in various places
gyógyszerész, gyógyszerész (nő)
someone who prepares news to be broadcast or writes for newspapers, magazines, or news websites
someone who is in charge of a newspaper agency, magazine, etc. and decides what should be published
szerkesztő, főszerkesztő
someone who studies a subject carefully and carries out academic or scientific research
kutató, női kutató
someone who is in charge of a library or works in it
könyvtáros, könyvtári munkatárs
someone who teaches things to people, particularly in a school
tanár, oktató
someone whose job is to change written or spoken words from one language to another
fordító, fordítónő
someone who has studied medicine and treats sick or injured people
orvos, doktor