Általános IELTS Tréning (6-7-es Sáv) - Workplace
Itt megtudhat néhány angol szót a Workplace-hez, amelyek szükségesek a General Training IELTS vizsgához.
a room in a house, such as a dining room or living room, where people can gather and sit, this word is particularly found in the descriptions of the houses for sale

fogadóterem, nappali

a desktop computer that is connected to a network, which is more upgraded than a personal computer

munkaállomás, munkagép

a designated area within an organization or building where incoming and outgoing mail and packages are sorted, processed, and distributed

postai szoba, levélszoba

a place or a collection of records or documents of historical importance

archívum, gyűjtemény

the area just inside the entrance of a public building such as a hotel, etc.

lobby, előcsarnok

a large place in which raw materials or produced goods are stored before they are sold or distributed

raktár, raktározó

a place where people do scientific experiments, manufacture drugs, etc.


a commercial space or facility where products or services are displayed or demonstrated to potential customers

kiállítótér, showroom

a building or room in which particular goods are made or fixed by different means

műhely, üzem

the act of assigning tasks or responsibilities to subordinates in the workplace

delegálás, megbízás

(in an organization, company, etc.) a department that is in charge of hiring new employees and training them

emberi erőforrások, emberi erőforrás osztály

a designated area or setup where printing equipment is available for producing physical copies of documents or images

nyomtató állomás, nyomtató terület

a designated space where formal discussions or assessments of candidates are conducted

interjúszoba, beszélgetőhelyiség

a designated space where security operations, monitoring, and related administrative tasks are conducted

biztonsági iroda, biztonsági osztály

the division within an organization responsible for managing its monetary resources, budgets, and financial transactions

pénzügyi osztály, pénzügyi részleg

the division within an organization responsible for promoting its products or services and managing its brand image

marketing osztály, marketing részleg

the division within an organization responsible for addressing the needs, inquiries, and complaints of its customers

ügyfélszolgálati osztály, ügyfélszolgálat

the division within an organization responsible for handling legal matters, ensuring compliance, and providing legal advice

jogi osztály, jogi részleg