Általános IELTS Tréning (6-7-es Sáv) - A modor határozói
Itt elsajátíthat néhány angol szót, amelyek a Manner Adverbs-hez kapcsolódnak, és amelyek szükségesek a General Training IELTS vizsgához.
easily and without any difficulty or disruptions
zökkenőmentesen, probléma nélkül
in a manner marked by enthusiastic anticipation, excitement, or readiness
lelkesen, izgatottan
in a manner characterized by careful consideration, vigilance, and a reluctance to take risks
óvatosan, gondosan
in a way that shows confidence and trust in oneself or another person's abilities, plans, etc.
magabiztosan, bizalommal
with eagerness, enthusiasm, or anticipation
izgatottan, lelkesedve
in a manner that displays one's tolerance of difficulties, delays, and bad behaviors without becoming annoyed or angry
türelmesen, türelemmel
in a manner that shows great willingness, interest, or excitement
lelkesedéssel, örömmel
in a gentle, affectionate, or caring manner
gyengéden, szeretetteljesen
in a manner that indicates great skill
ügyesen, szakszerűen
in a way that shows signs of fear, worry, or anxiety
idegesen, aggódva
in a manner characterized by lightheartedness, fun, or a sense of play
játékosan, játékos módon
in a manner that reflects careful consideration, mindfulness, and a genuine concern for others
gondosan, figyelmesen
in a quick and rushed manner, often done with little time for careful consideration
sietve, rohanva
with feelings of worry, nervousness, or unease
aggódva, izgatottan
in a relaxed and unhurried way, often without much energy or enthusiasm
lusta módon, lazán
in a fearless manner that shows bravery or courage
bátoran, merészen
in a way that shows one is determined and serious about making a decision
döntően, határozottan
in a manner that everyone is treated the same way without discrimination, bias, or favor
konzisztensen, folytonosan
in a manner marked by discomfort, clumsiness, or lacking smoothness
ügyetlenül, kínosan
in a way that is very quick and often unexpected
gyorsan, sebesen
with less attention to detail, indicating a casual approach
kb, durván
in a way that shows imagination, innovation, or originality
kreatívan, kreatív módon
by chance and without a specific pattern, order, or purpose
véletlenszerűen, tetszőlegesen
in an insincere or mocking manner, or with a tone that conveys the opposite of the literal meaning of the remark
sarkasztikusan, gúnyosan
in a manner characterized by lack of guilt, harmlessness, or naivety
ártatlanul, naívan
in a manner characterized by loyalty, commitment, and steadfast devotion
hűségesen, loyálisan
in a manner characterized by a lack of loyalty, betrayal, or violation of trust
hűtlenül, áruló módon
in a manner characterized by lack of politeness, discourtesy, or offensive behavior
udvariatlanul, durván
in a manner that derives pleasure or satisfaction from causing suffering, humiliation, or pain to others
szadista módon, szadistikusan
with intense emotion, strong enthusiasm, or deep devotion
szenvedélyesen, intenzíven
in a manner characterized by a lack of clarity, imprecision, or uncertainty
homályosan, vagyan
in a manner characterized by kindness, politeness, and a willingness to be considerate or generous
kegyesen, udvariasan
with determination and continuous effort, refusing to give up despite challenges or difficulties
kitartóan, elszántan