
Akadémiai IELTS (5-ös Sáv és Alatta) - Érintése és tartása

Itt megtudhat néhány angol szót a Touching and Holding témával kapcsolatban, amelyek szükségesek a Basic Academic IELTS vizsgához.









Indítsa el a tanulást
Vocabulary for Academic IELTS (5)
to hold

to have in your hands or arms

tartani, fognij

tartani, fognij

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to grab

to take someone or something suddenly or violently

megragadni, fogni

megragadni, fogni

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to press

to push a thing tightly against something else

nyomni, sűríteni

nyomni, sűríteni

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to squeeze

to force liquid out of something by firmly twisting or pressing it

kicsavarni, sürgetni

kicsavarni, sürgetni

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to rub

to apply pressure to a surface with back and forth or circular motions

dörzsölni, súrolni

dörzsölni, súrolni

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to pull

to use your hands to move something or someone toward yourself or in the direction that your hands are moving

húzni, vonszolni

húzni, vonszolni

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to tickle

to lightly touch or stroke a sensitive part of the body, causing a tingling or laughing sensation

göndöríteni, simogatni

göndöríteni, simogatni

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to handle

to pick something up and hold with one's hands

megfogni, fogni

megfogni, fogni

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to caress

to touch in a gentle and loving way

kényeztetni, simogatni

kényeztetni, simogatni

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to massage

to press or rub a part of a person's body, typically with the hands, to make them feel refreshed

masszíroz, dörzsöl

masszíroz, dörzsöl

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to smooth

to make a surface free from roughness

sima, simítani

sima, simítani

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