Névmások és Determinánsok - Személyes tárgy névmások
Ezek a névmások meghatározzák az általuk hivatkozott főnév számát és nemét, és mondatok tárgyaként működnek.
(objective first-person singular pronoun) used by the speaker to refer to themselves when they are the object of a sentence
engem, nekem
(second-person pronoun) used for referring to the one or the people we are writing or talking to
te, ön
(objective third-person singular pronoun) used when referring to a male human or animal as the object of a sentence
őt, neki
(objective third-person singular pronoun) used when referring to a female human or animal that is the object of a sentence
őt, ő
(objective third-person singular pronoun) used when referring to something or an animal of unknown sex as the object of a sentence
ez, az
(objective first-person plural pronoun) used by the speaker to refer to themselves and at least one other person when they are the object of a sentence
minket, nekünk
(objective third-person plural pronoun) used when referring to the aforementioned things or people that are the object of a sentence