Hewan - Freshwater Fish
Di sini Anda akan mempelajari nama-nama ikan air tawar dalam bahasa Inggris seperti "carp", "bass", dan "goldfish".
Kartu flash
any North American perciform fish that inhabit fresh waters and have lean bodies

bass, ikan bass

a European freshwater fish with greenish-bronze scales, a deep body and flat sides, which is edible


a freshwater fish species known for its ability to adapt to various habitats, characterized by its large scales and barbels

ikan karper

any of the order of North American freshwater fish that are distinguished by having barbels and no scales

ikan lele, ikan catfish

an anadromous food fish of the salmon family, originally from North America, the adults of which die after spawning

salmon chinook, ikan chinook

a European freshwater fish with a thick body that is greenish in the back, living in rivers

ikan chub, chub

a small freshwater fish of tropical waters that is a live-bearer and is often kept in aquariums


a small Eurasian game fish of the cyprinoid family that lives in large shoals

ikan kecil, ikan runcah

any freshwater game fish that belong to the ray-finned family of the order of perciformes

ikan perch, ikan air tawar

a nocturnal predatory fish of the eel family that hides between the rocks

moray, ikan moray

a small carnivorous freshwater fish with little spines on its back and no scales

ikan duri, ikan penyengat

a large European flatfish with red spots on its body and fins that is caught as food

ikan pipih, ikan lempung

any silvery fish of the ray-finned family that forms shoals and is commercially important as food

mulut, ikan mullet

a small tropical fish that is a live-bearer, found in vibrant colors and kept in aquariums

molly, ikan molly

a very large marine and freshwater fish originally from the Northern hemisphere that is commercially important for its caviar or flesh

ikan sturgeon, sturgeon

a freshwater bony fish with a long body that is able to breathe out of water

ikan paru-paru, ikan air tawar

a South American freshwater knifefish that is able to create an electric charge in order to kill its prey or find its way

belut listrik, ikan listrik

a freshwater eel-like aquatic vertebrate that has a sucking mouth and no jaws, which sucks the blood out of its prey


a predatory North American fish of the fresh waters that is related to gars and is able to survive even out of water

ikan bowfin, ikan predator

any carnivorous freshwater game fish with a long snout and body that inhabits brackish or fresh waters of the Northern Hemisphere

ikan pike, pike

a silver-colored fish often found in both freshwater and saltwater environments


a small carnivorous freshwater fish of the South American origin that has sharp teeth and forms schools

piranha, ikan piranha

a European freshwater fish of the minnow family that can survive in waters with low oxygen levels


a small freshwater fish of the metallic color that is kept in aquariums

rasbora harlequin

a small freshwater fish, black and silver in color, with long fins that originates in South America

ikan malaikat, ikan air tawar malaikat