Buku English File - Pemula - Pelajaran 3B
Di sini Anda akan menemukan kosakata dari Pelajaran 3B dalam buku pelajaran File Bahasa Inggris Pemula, seperti "piring", "suvenir", "di sana", dll.
Kartu flash
a type of soft flat hat with a visor, typically worn by men and boys, often as part of a uniform
a scarf with the logo and name of a football team that fans of the team wear to show their support, respect, loyalty, etc.
syal sepak bola
a ring, usually made of metal or plastic, that people use to keep their keys together
gelang kunci
a large cup which is typically used for drinking hot beverages like coffee, tea, or hot chocolate
a casual short-sleeved shirt with no collar, usually made of cotton
kaus oblong
something that we usually buy and bring back for other people from a place that we have visited on vacation