Buku Headway - Dasar - Bahasa Inggris Sehari-hari (Unit 4)
Di sini Anda akan menemukan kosakata dari Bahasa Inggris Sehari-hari Unit 4 di buku pelajaran Headway Elementary, seperti "tujuh puluh enam", "titik", "delapan", dll.
Kartu flash
a word, sign, or symbol that represents a specific quantity or amount
of the number 45; the number of degrees for half a right angle
empat puluh lima
the number 91; the number of minutes in a typical soccer game plus one
sembilan puluh satu
of the number 32; the number of pieces in a game of chess
tiga puluh dua
of the number 76; the number of legs on seven crabs plus six
tujuh puluh enam
the number 99; the number of players on nine soccer teams
Sembilan puluh sembilan
the punctuation mark . used to indicate that a sentence or an abbreviation is ended