Buku Top Notch 3A - Unit 1 - Pelajaran 3
Di sini Anda akan menemukan kosakata dari Unit 1 - Pelajaran 3 di buku pelajaran Top Notch 3A, seperti "etiket", "ketepatan waktu", "kebiasaan", dll.
Kartu flash
a set of conventional rules or formal manners, usually in the form of ethical code

etika, protokol

[Kata benda]
cultural literacy
the ability to understand and respect the traditions, values, regular activities, etc. of the people from a different culture
table manners
the way of eating that is expected of people to follow when with others

etika makan, sikap di meja makan

[Kata benda]
causing someone to feel deeply hurt, upset, or angry due to being insulting, disrespectful, or inappropriate

menyakitkan, menghina

commonly done or practiced within a specific situation, place, or society

kebiasaan, umum


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