Boek Top Notch 3A - Unit 1 - Les 3
Hier vindt u de woordenschat uit Unit 1 - Les 3 in het Top Notch 3A-cursusboek, zoals "etiquette", "punctualiteit", "gebruikelijk", enz.
a set of conventional rules or formal manners, usually in the form of ethical code

etiquette, gedragsregels

the ability to understand and respect the traditions, values, regular activities, etc. of the people from a different culture
the way of eating that is expected of people to follow when with others

tafelmanieren, etiquette aan tafel

the habit or characteristic of being consistently on time


causing someone to feel deeply hurt, upset, or angry due to being insulting, disrespectful, or inappropriate

aanstootgevend, beledigend

commonly done or practiced within a specific situation, place, or society

gewoonlijk, gebruikelijk