Buku Insight - Pra-menengah - Wawasan Kosakata 3
Di sini Anda akan menemukan kata-kata dari Wawasan Kosakata 3 dalam buku pelajaran Insight Pra-Menengah, seperti "tumbuh", "label", "wadah", dll.
Kartu flash
any object that can be used to store something in, such as a bottle, box, etc.

wadah, kontainer

something made of leather, cloth, plastic, or paper that we use to carry things in, particularly when we are traveling or shopping

tas, kantong

a glass or plastic container that has a narrow neck and is used for storing drinks or other liquids


a container with a wide opening and a lid, typically made of glass or ceramic, used to store food such as honey, jam, pickles, etc.

stoples, wadah

a container which is round, deep, and typically made of metal, used for cooking

panci, wadah

the process of physical, mental, or emotional development

pertumbuhan, pengembangan

the name or trademark of a company that produces music records

label, perusahaan rekaman