Buku Total English - Pemula - Unit 1 - Pelajaran 3
Di sini Anda akan menemukan kosakata dari Unit 1 - Pelajaran 3 di buku kursus Total English Starter, seperti "favorite", "Indian", "film", dll.
Kartu flash
liked or preferred the most among the rest that are from the same category

favorit, kesukaan

a story that we can watch on a screen, like a TV or in a theater, with moving pictures and sound

film, tayangan

a country located in central Europe, known for its rich history, vibrant culture, and thriving economy


a country located in North America that is bordered by the United States to the north


referring to something that is related to Poland, its people, language, culture, or products

Polandia, Polandia perempuan

relating to the country, people, or culture of the United Kingdom

Inggris, Inggris (berkaitan dengan budaya)