Buku Total English - Dasar - Unit 1 - Pelajaran 3
Di sini Anda akan menemukan kosakata dari Unit 1 - Pelajaran 3 di buku pelajaran Total English Elementary, seperti "koki", "pengangguran", "dokter gigi", dll.
Kartu flash
a person whose job is designing buildings and typically supervising their construction


a professional who writes and tests code for computer software, applications, and systems

programmer, perancang perangkat lunak

someone who has studied medicine and treats sick or injured people

dokter, pengobat

a person who practices or studies law, advises people about the law or represents them in court

pengacara, laman pengacara

a person who is in charge of a ship or a boat and responsible for navigating the vessel, overseeing the crew, and ensuring the safety of the ship and its passengers or cargo

kapten laut, komandan kapal

someone whose job is to serve or help customers in a shop

asisten toko, penjual

a person who deals with supervisory tasks or financial affairs in making a motion picture, play, etc.

produser, produser wanita

a bag that is small and used, especially by women, to carry personal items

tas tangan, tas wanita