IELTS Pelatihan Umum (Band 5 dan di Bawah) - Pollution
Di sini, Anda akan mempelajari beberapa kata bahasa Inggris terkait Polusi yang diperlukan untuk ujian General Training IELTS.
Kartu flash
any unwanted or excessive sound that may cause harm or disturbance to human or animal life
polusi suara, gangguan suara
the unwanted and excessive artificial light that brightens the night sky, causing problems for stargazing, wildlife, and sleep
polusi cahaya, cahaya berlebihan
toxic and harmful substances in the air that can cause illnesses
polusi udara, kontaminasi udara
the poisoning of bodies of water caused by harmful materials
pencemaran air, kontaminasi air
the stuff left over from factories and businesses that can harm the environment if not handled properly
limbah industri, sampah industri
a type of gas present in the sky that protects the life on earth from the harmful rays of the sun
things such as household materials that have no use anymore
sampah, limbah
worthless, unwanted, and unneeded things that people throw away
sampah, limbah
electronic devices that are no longer functional, useful, or wanted
sampah elektronik, e-waste