Pelatihan Umum IELTS (Band 6-7) - High Quality
Di sini, Anda akan mempelajari beberapa kata bahasa Inggris terkait Kualitas Tinggi yang diperlukan untuk ujian General Training IELTS.
Kartu flash
displaying a high degree of excellence and exceptionally good quality

megah, menakjubkan

of the highest or best kind possible within a field or industry

superlatif, terbaik

displaying an extraordinary and exceptional level of excellence

fenomenal, luar biasa

serving as an excellent example, worthy of imitation or admiration

contoh, teladan

showing unmatched excellence and the highest level of quality or greatness

tertinggi, unggul

having the best or most effective condition or approach for achieving a favorable outcome under given circumstances

optimal, terbaik

extremely impressive and beautiful, often evoking awe or excitement

spektakuler, menakjubkan

surpassing ordinary limits and reaching a level of exceptional excellence or greatness

transenden, melampaui

to enhance the quality of something, particularly by adding something to it

memperkaya, meningkatkan

deserving of praise and respect due to excellent standards and positive attributes

mengagumkan, patut dicontoh

beyond the usual or ordinary, often causing amazement or admiration due to its exceptional nature

menakjubkan, luar biasa

exceptionally beautiful or splendid, often inspiring awe or admiration

megah, indah