Akademik IELTS (Band 6-7) - Keterangan Waktu dan Frekuensi
Di sini, Anda akan mempelajari beberapa kata bahasa Inggris terkait Keterangan Waktu dan Frekuensi yang diperlukan untuk ujian Akademik IELTS.
Kartu flash
in a way that lasts or remains unchanged for a very long time

secara permanen, secara tetap

in a manner related to or characteristic of a particular season

musiman, bermusim

used to convey that an action or event occurred only a very short time before the present or another specified point in time

hampir, nyaris

used to imply a recent occurrence before the present or a specified point in time

hampir, hanya sedikit

in a regular or habitual manner, often following a fixed procedure or schedule

secara rutin, secara biasa

in a manner characterized by short, irregular bursts or intervals

secara spasmodik, dengan kekuatan berdenyut