Kosakata Bahasa Inggris untuk SD 1 - Eksplorasi
Di sini Anda akan mempelajari beberapa kata bahasa Inggris tentang eksplorasi seperti "liburan", "kartu pos", dan "luar negeri", yang disiapkan untuk siswa tingkat dasar.
Kartu flash
a span of time which we do not work or go to school, and spend traveling or resting instead, particularly in a different city, country, etc.
an exciting or unusual experience, often involving risk or physical activity
pengalaman yang menarik dan mengesankan
the act of travelling between two or more places, especially when there is a long distance between them
a journey that you take for fun or a particular reason, generally for a short amount of time
related or belonging to a country or region other than your own
luar negeri
to live somewhere for a short time, especially as a guest or visitor
kunjungan singkat
a card that usually has a picture on one side, used for sending messages by post without an envelope
kartu pos
to go somewhere for a short time, especially to see something
to confirm your presence or reservation in a hotel or airport after arriving
to leave a hotel after returning your room key and paying the bill
meninggalkan hotel