
Bahasa Inggris dan Pengetahuan Dunia ACT - Kolokasi yang Berguna

Di sini Anda akan mempelajari beberapa kolokasi bahasa Inggris yang berguna, seperti "angkat kekhawatiran", "luluskan penilaian", "takut kaku", dll. yang akan membantu Anda menguasai ACT Anda.




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ACT Vocabulary for English and World Knowledge
to wreak havoc

to cause severe destruction, chaos, or disorder

mendatangkan malapetaka

mendatangkan malapetaka

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to hatch a plan

to devise or create a scheme, often one that is secretive or mischievous

membuat rencana

membuat rencana

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to keep afloat

to maintain financial stability or solvency

tetap bertahan

tetap bertahan

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to lay the groundwork

to establish the necessary foundation or preparation for a future project, plan, or idea

membangun fondasi sesuatu

membangun fondasi sesuatu

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to break new ground

to start something new and innovative that sets an example or leads to significant advancements in a particular field or industry

membuat terobosan baru

membuat terobosan baru

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to call sth into question

to raise doubts about the validity, truthfulness, or reliability of something

mempertanyakan sesuatu

mempertanyakan sesuatu

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[kata kerja]
to raise awareness

to increase knowledge or understanding about a particular issue, cause, or topic

meningkatkan kesadaran

meningkatkan kesadaran

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to raise a question

to bring up a topic or issue for discussion or consideration

mengajukan pertanyaan

mengajukan pertanyaan

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to see fit

to consider something appropriate or suitable according to one's own judgment

lihat cocok

lihat cocok

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to turn one's attention

to direct one's focus or concentration toward something specific

mengalihkan perhatian

mengalihkan perhatian

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to pay attention

to concentrate or focus on a particular task or subject

memperhatikan seseorang atau sesuatu

memperhatikan seseorang atau sesuatu

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to reap the benefits

to enjoy the positive outcomes or advantages resulting from one's efforts or actions

menikmati keuntungan positif dari sesuatu

menikmati keuntungan positif dari sesuatu

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to hold promise

to have the potential for future success or positive outcomes

memegang janji

memegang janji

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to make contact

to connect with someone, often by reaching out through various means such as phone calls, emails, or in-person meetings

menghubungi seseorang

menghubungi seseorang

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medium of expression

the form or means through which ideas, emotions, or artistic creativity are conveyed or communicated

media ekspresi

media ekspresi

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out of tune

in a state in which the correct musical sound is not played or sung

tdk sesuai

tdk sesuai

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to raise concern

to express or bring attention to worries, doubts, or objections regarding a specific issue, situation, or decision

mengungkapkan kekhawatiran seseorang

mengungkapkan kekhawatiran seseorang

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naked eye

the human eye unaided by any optical device, used for observing objects and details directly

mata biasa

mata biasa

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[Kata benda]
to make strides

to make progress or advance in a significant way

membuat langkah

membuat langkah

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to garner attention

to attract or receive attention, often by means of effort, achievement, or significance

mengumpulkan perhatian

mengumpulkan perhatian

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to make sense

to be understandable in a way that is reasonable

menjadi logis

menjadi logis

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to pay tribute to sb/sth

to show respect, admiration, or recognition to someone or something

menghormati atau mengagumi seseorang atau sesuatu

menghormati atau mengagumi seseorang atau sesuatu

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to suffer defeat

to experience a loss or failure in a competitive or confrontational situation

menderita kekalahan

menderita kekalahan

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to hold sth sacred

to regard something with great respect, honor, or devotion

memegang sesuatu yang sakral

memegang sesuatu yang sakral

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to bring sth to bear

to use something such as power or influence that one has in order to achieve a particular result

membawa sesuatu untuk ditanggung

membawa sesuatu untuk ditanggung

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to set sb to work

to assign or instruct someone to start working on a specific task or job

mengatur seseorang untuk bekerja

mengatur seseorang untuk bekerja

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to pass judgment

to form and express an opinion or decision about someone or something, often in a critical manner

menilai seseorang

menilai seseorang

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to make a living

to earn an amount of money that enables one to support oneself and pay for one's needs

Menghasilkan uang

Menghasilkan uang

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to keep track of sb/sth

to ensure that one has the latest news concerning someone or something

memiliki berita terbaru tentang seseorang atau sesuatu

memiliki berita terbaru tentang seseorang atau sesuatu

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to reach a conclusion

to come to a decision or judgment after considering evidence, arguments, or facts

mencapai suatu kesimpulan

mencapai suatu kesimpulan

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scared stiff

extremely frightened to the point of being unable to move or react

takut kaku

takut kaku

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to rise above

to stay strong when faced with problems or criticism and ultimately surpass them

mengatasi sesuatu

mengatasi sesuatu

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hustle and bustle

a busy, noisy, and active environment or situation

hiruk pikuk

hiruk pikuk

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trial and error

the process of testing a method, an idea, etc. in several ways to achieve the desired outcome



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to build momentum

to gradually increase the strength, force, or speed of an activity or process

membangun momentum

membangun momentum

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to lend credence

to give support or credibility to a belief, theory, or statement

memberikan kepercayaan

memberikan kepercayaan

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to be obliged to do sth

to have a moral duty or be forced to do a particular thing, often due to legal reasons

wajib melakukan sth

wajib melakukan sth

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to issue a warning

to formally or officially provide a cautionary notice or advice regarding a potential danger, threat, or undesirable outcome

mengeluarkan peringatan

mengeluarkan peringatan

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to be steeped in

to be filled with a specific quality, flavor, etc.

tenggelam dalam

tenggelam dalam

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to cast doubt on sth

to create uncertainty or skepticism by questioning the truth or validity of something

to live up to

to fulfill expectations or standards set by oneself or others

pemenuhan (janji atau harapan)

pemenuhan (janji atau harapan)

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[kata kerja]
to arrive at sth

to reach a decision, understanding, or conclusion after consideration or discussion

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