Animale - Uccelli incapaci di volare
Qui imparerai i nomi degli uccelli incapaci di volare in inglese come "peacock", "ostrich" e "emu".
a large terrestrial bird with a tall crest that is related to the emu, originated in Australia

a large game bird of the grouse family that inhabits mountains or Arctic regions, which its plumage changes to white in winter

pernice bianca
a large bird that has a bald head and is often kept for its meat, especially in the US

the largest bird of the penguin family that is found in Antarctica

pinguino imperatore
a large Eurasian bird similar to turkey, called a grouse, the male of which spreads its feathers as a way to attract mates

a large African ground bird with black plumage that has white dots and a bare neck, sometimes domesticated for its meat

a long-tailed game bird with a stout body that is native to Asia, the male of which is of bright colors

a fast-running terrestrial bird of the cuckoo family with a long tail and a large crest that inhabits Southwestern US to Mexico

an Australian terrestrial songbird with a long tail shaped as a lyre, the male of which displays during courtship

uccello lira
a male bird with a large shiny colorful tail having eyelike patterns that can be raised for display

a very large ground-dwelling bird of the pheasant family with a crest, originated in Asia

a fast and large bird that is flightless and has long legs and a long neck, native to Africa

a large black-and-white seabird that lives in the Antarctic, and can not fly but uses its wings for swimming

a flightless bird native to Mauritius, characterized by its large size, stout body, and inability to fly, extinct in the 17th century


a small ground-dwelling bird of passage with brownish plumage that has a short tail and is hunted by people

a game bird with a fat body and feathered legs that cannot fly and has brownish red plumage

gallo cedrone
a grassland bird of the South American origin that runs fast and is smaller than the greater rhea

a nocturnal ground bird with a long beak and brownish hairlike plumage that is endemic to New Zealand

a ground-dwelling bird found in tropical regions that constructs large mounds of soil and vegetation to incubate its eggs

uccello di terra, gallo di montagna

a species of penguin characterized by its distinctive crest of spiky yellow feathers

pinguino crestato, pinguino con cresta

a species of Antarctic penguin known for its distinctive black and white plumage, playful behavior, and preference for icy habitats

pinguino di Adelia, pinguino Adélie

a large and majestic species of penguin, characterized by its distinctive orange and yellow plumage

pingüino reale, re dei pingüini

an African penguin, known for its distinctive braying call

pinguino jackass, pinguino africano

a large, flightless parrot species native to New Zealand, also known as the kakapo

pappagallo gufo, kakapo

an endangered bird that is native to New Zealand, cannot fly, has blue-green feathers, a round body, and a large beak


a flightless bird native to New Zealand, characterized by its dark brown feathers, strong beak, and ability to forage on the ground for a variety of food sources

weka, uccello weka

a large flightless bird that inhabited the North Atlantic, known for its distinctive appearance with black and white plumage, extinct in the mid-19th century

grande auk, pingùino gigante

a medium-sized bird species characterized by its black plumage, lyre-shaped tail, and distinctive red comb above the eye

gallo forcello, gallo nero

a flightless bird native to South America, characterized by its large size, long legs, and grayish-brown plumage

rhea americana, rhea americana

a small, ground-dwelling bird of the quail family native to North America, characterized by its distinctive call and a mottled brown plumage

quaglia bobwhite, quaglia dalla testa bianca

a genus of pheasants characterized by their vibrant plumage, distinctive facial features

tragopano, pavone tragopan

a flightless bird endemic to New Zealand, characterized by its distinctive appearance, vibrant plumage, and critically endangered status

notornis, uccello notornis

a majestic bird found in the Himalayas, known for its vibrant plumage and regal appearance


a large, colorful bird found in the tropical forests of Central and South America, known for its striking appearance and elusive nature

curassow, pavona