Il libro Top Notch 1A - Unità 2-Lezione 1
Qui troverai il vocabolario dell'Unità 2 - Lezione 1 nel libro di testo Top Notch 1A, come "genere", "lezione", "culturale", ecc.
a style of art, music, literature, film, etc. that has its own special features

a type of music that is originally from the southern parts of the United States

a type of music that combines elements of jazz and blues, developed by African-Americans in the 1940s

rhythm and blues
music that originated in Europe, has everlasting value, long-established rules, and elaborated forms

musica classica
a story told through a series of moving pictures with sound, usually watched via television or in a cinema

the recorded sounds, speeches, or music of a movie, play, or musical

colonna sonora
music that originates from and reflects the traditional culture of a particular region or community, often featuring acoustic instruments and storytelling lyrics

a sequence of musical notes arranged in a specific order to create a recognizable piece of music

melodia, canzone
a number of music pieces or songs sold as a single item, normally on a CD or the internet

a CD or a musical record that has only one main song, often released separately from an album to promote it

a short film or visual presentation created to accompany a song, often featuring the artist performing or telling a story

video musicale
movies, television shows, etc. or an activity that is made for people to enjoy

involving a society's customs, traditions, beliefs, and other related matters

a story that we can watch on a screen, like a TV or in a theater, with moving pictures and sound

a written story that is meant to be performed on a stage, radio, or television

a talk given to an audience about a particular subject to educate them, particularly at a university or college

a public event where people can display or sometimes sell their works of art

mostra d'arte