Collocazioni di 'Give- Keep- Come' - Arrivare o apparire (Vieni)
Scopri come le collocazioni inglesi con "Come" come "come in view" e "come in time" esprimono l'arrivo o l'apparizione in inglese.
to be very near to something or someone in terms of physical distance
essere molto vicino o simile a qualcosa
to give the impression of having the quality or characteristic described by the following word
colpire come un fulmine a ciel sereno
to arrive at a particular location or event at the appointed time
arrivare da qualche parte all'ora stabilita
to become visible, especially if something was previously out of sight
diventando visibile
to arrive at a specific location, event, or appointment after the expected or scheduled time
arrivando da qualche parte tardi
to arrive at a specific location, event, or appointment at the expected or scheduled time
arrivare da qualche parte all'ora stabilita
to arrive at a situation or event equipped with the necessary knowledge, materials, or resources needed for that specific circumstance
essere già preparato per qualcosa