Collocazioni di 'Be- Place- Put' & altro - Posizionamento o imposizione (Luogo)
Esplora le collocazioni inglesi in cui "Luogo" viene utilizzato per descrivere il posizionamento o l'imposizione con esempi come "effettuare una chiamata" e "posizionare un peso".
to impose a difficult or heavy responsibility, obligation, or hardship on an individual
to require a certain level of performance, effort, or output from someone or something to meet a specific objective or standard
to give a sum of money as a prepayment or security to secure a reservation or purchase
to direct attention toward a specific topic, aspect, or issue, making it a central point of consideration
to set a boundary or rule that prevents or controls certain actions, behaviors, or access
to determine or assign a specific worth or significance to something
to give something special importance or attention
to request the purchase of goods or services from a business or supplier