本 Four Corners 1 - ユニット 8 レッスン A
ここでは、「本屋」、「近所」、「見つける」など、フォー コーナーズ 1 コースブックのユニット 8 レッスン A の語彙を見つけることができます。
a place at the side of a road that is usually marked with a sign, where buses regularly stop for passengers

バス停, バスの停留所

a type of small restaurant where people can drink coffee, tea, etc. and usually eat light meals too

カフェ, コーヒーショップ

a place in which collections of books and sometimes newspapers, movies, music, etc. are kept for people to read or borrow


a stand or stall on a street, etc. where newspapers, magazines, and sometimes books are sold

新聞スタンド, 新聞売り場

a place, often built underground, where trains can stop for passengers to get on or off

地下鉄駅, 地下駅

a large store that we can go to and buy food, drinks and other things from

スーパーマーケット, ハイパーマーケット

a wide straight street in a town or a city, usually with buildings and trees on both sides

大通り, アベニュー

to randomly discover someone or something, particularly in a way that is surprising or unexpected

見つける, 発見する

to move something like a window or door into a position that people, things, etc. can pass through or use
