
本 Insight - 中級 - ユニット 7 - 7D

ここでは、Insight 中級コースブックのユニット 7 ~ 7D の「鼻を鳴らす」、「ピア」、「叫ぶ」などの語彙を見つけることができます。









Insight - Intermediate
to snore

to breathe through one's nose and mouth in a noisy way while asleep

いびきをかく, 寝ているときに騒がしく呼吸する

いびきをかく, 寝ているときに騒がしく呼吸する

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the act of breathing noisily, especially when one has a cold or respiratory illness

鼻をすすること, クシャミ

鼻をすすること, クシャミ

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to whisper

to speak very softly or quietly, usually to avoid being overheard by others who are nearby

ささやく, 囁く

ささやく, 囁く

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to peer

to look closely or attentively at something, often in an effort to see or understand it better

じっと見る, 凝視する

じっと見る, 凝視する

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to stare

to look at someone or something without moving the eyes or blinking, usually for a while, and often without showing any expression

じっと見る, 見つめる

じっと見る, 見つめる

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to blink

to open and close the eyes quickly and for a brief moment

瞬きする, まばたきする

瞬きする, まばたきする

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our purpose or desired result

目標, ゴール

目標, ゴール

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to get out

to leave somewhere such as a room, building, etc.

出る, 去る

出る, 去る

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to miss

to feel sad because we no longer can see someone or do something

恋しがる, 懐かしむ

恋しがる, 懐かしむ

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to bore

to do something that causes a person become uninterested, tired, or impatient

退屈させる, 飽きさせる

退屈させる, 飽きさせる

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a thing or fact that is known and seen by only one person or a few people and hidden from others

秘密, ひみつ

秘密, ひみつ

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to argue

to speak to someone often angrily because one disagrees with them

議論する, 口論する

議論する, 口論する

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to cheer

to encourage or show support or praise for someone by shouting

応援する, 声援を送る

応援する, 声援を送る

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to exclaim

to shout or speak suddenly and strongly, often expressing a strong emotion

叫ぶ, 叫び声を上げる

叫ぶ, 叫び声を上げる

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to shout

to speak loudly, often associated with expressing anger or when you cannot hear what the other person is saying

叫ぶ, 呼ぶ

叫ぶ, 呼ぶ

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to sigh

to release a long deep audible breath, to express one's sadness, tiredness, etc.

ため息をつく, 息を吐く

ため息をつく, 息を吐く

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to stammer

to speak with involuntary stops and repetitions of certain words

吃音する, どもる

吃音する, どもる

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to whine

to express one's discontent or dissatisfaction in an annoying manner

泣き言を言う, 不平を言う

泣き言を言う, 不平を言う

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