ここでは、アカデミック IELTS 試験に必要な Weight と Steadiness に関連する英単語を学びます。
hard to manage because of awkward form
不器用な, ぎこちない
(of mood, atmosphere, etc.) feeling heavy, slow, and overwhelming
鉛のような, 重苦しい
inflexible or resistant to pressure
不屈の, 堅牢な
difficult to move or control because of its large size, weight, or unsusal shape
扱いづらい, 不便な
challenging to manage or move due to size, weight, or awkward shape
重くて扱いにくい, 厄介
unstable and likely to shake or rock from side to side
不安定な, 揺れる
very delicate or thin
薄い, 脆い
substantial in size or weight
重い, 膨大な
sturdily constructed and able to endure harsh treatment or challenging environments
頑丈な, 堅牢な