여기서는 "매력적인", "비오는", "바쁜" 등과 같은 Solutions Elementary 코스북의 단원 5 - 5B의 어휘를 찾을 수 있습니다.
having features or characteristics that are pleasing
매력적인, 유혹하는
having so many things to do in a way that leaves not much free time
바쁜, 초바쁜
making us feel interested, happy, and energetic
신나는, 흥미진진한
having a high price
비싼, 고가의
producing or having a lot of loud and unwanted sound
시끄러운, 떠들썩한
having frequent or persistent rainfall
비 오는, 습기 있는
protected from any danger
안전한, 보호된
very bright because there is a lot of light coming from the sun
맑은, 햇빛이 강한
having a temperature that is high but not hot, especially in a way that is pleasant
따뜻한, 온화한