책 Solutions - 중급 - 2호기 - 2층
여기서는 "모두 함께", "교차로", "시간이 많이 걸리는" 등과 같은 솔루션 중급 코스북의 단원 2 - 2F의 어휘를 찾을 수 있습니다.
added to another substance or process, typically with the intention of enhancing or modifying it

첨가의, 추가의

a container, usually with four sides, a bottom, and a lid, that we use for moving or keeping things

상자, 박스

a piece of furniture with shelves and doors, usually built into a wall, designed for storing things like foods, dishes, etc.

벽장, 수납장

an upright structure, usually made of brick, concrete, or stone that is made to divide, protect, or surround a place

벽, 담

in a position at the front part of someone or something else or further forward than someone or something

앞에, 전면에

used before a specific period of time to show when or at what time something happens or how long it takes for it to happen

안에, 에