
책 Insight - 고급 - 유닛 8 - 8C

여기서는 "우위", "함정에 빠지다", "생각할 필요 없는" 등과 같은 Insight Advanced 코스북의 단원 8 - 8C의 어휘를 찾을 수 있습니다.









학습 시작
Insight - Advanced
to take the bull by the horns

to directly and bravely deal with a difficulty or danger

황소의 뿔을 잡아라

황소의 뿔을 잡아라

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to throw cold water on sth

to demotivate a person by talking negatively about their plans or opinions

누군가의 의욕을 꺾거나 낙담시키는 것

누군가의 의욕을 꺾거나 낙담시키는 것

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to fall into a trap

to be placed in a difficult position by believing something that is not true or trusting someone who lies

함정에 빠지다

함정에 빠지다

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upper hand

the position of high power or authority from which one can exert complete control over a situation or others

우월하거나 유리한 위치에 있는

우월하거나 유리한 위치에 있는

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something such as a decision or question that requires minimal or no mental effort to be made or answered

생각할 필요도 없는

생각할 필요도 없는

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storm in a teacup

an unnecessary amount of worry or anger toward an unimportant matter

찻잔 속의 폭풍

찻잔 속의 폭풍

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to be up in arms about sth

to be extremely angry or upset about something

매우 화가 나고 속상하다

매우 화가 나고 속상하다

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