Boek Insight - Gevorderd - Eenheid 8 - 8C
Hier vindt u de woordenschat uit Unit 8 t/m 8C uit het cursusboek Insight Advanced, zoals "overhand", "in de val lopen", "no-brainer", etc.
to throw cold water on something
to demotivate a person by talking negatively about their plans or opinions
to fall into a trap
to be placed in a difficult position by believing something that is not true or trusting someone who lies
upper hand
the position of high power or authority from which one can exert complete control over a situation or others

voordeel, overmacht

[zelfstandig naamwoord]
something such as a decision or question that requires minimal or no mental effort to be made or answered

voor de hand liggende keuze, gemakkelijke beslissing

[zelfstandig naamwoord]

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