a course of instruction that is presented to an individual or a small number of students, typically focused on a specific subject or topic
튜토리얼, 개별 수업
a branch within a university or college, responsible for teaching and research in a specific subject area or field of study
학부, 과
a university degree awarded to someone who has passed a certain number of credits in the arts, humanities, or some other disciplines
문학사, 미술학사
the first degree given by a university or college to a student who has finished their studies
학사, 학사학위
a university degree that graduates can get by further studying for one or two years
석사 학위, 석사
a very high-level university degree given to a person who has conducted advanced research in a specific subject
the permission given to someone to become a student of a school, enter an organization, etc.
입학, 가입
the process or action of joining a school, course, etc.; the number of people who joined a school, course, etc.
등록, 입학
an amount of money that one pays to receive an education, particularly in a university or college
수업료, 학비
a class or course at a college or university in which a small group of students and a teacher discuss a specific subject
세미나, 강좌
an area of land in which a university, college, or school, along with all their buildings, are situated
캠퍼스, 대학 부지
a graduate student who is studying at a university to get a more advanced degree
대학원생, 대학원생(여성)
not included in the regular course of study at a college or school
과외의, 정규과목 아닌
a learning system in which students and teachers do not attend classes instead use online or broadcast resources
원격 교육, 원거리 교육
the overall content, courses, and learning experiences designed by educational institutions to achieve specific educational goals and outcomes for students
커리큘럼, 교육과정
a software platform designed to manage, deliver, and track educational courses and training programs
학습 관리 시스템, 학습 관리 플랫폼
the process of testing the knowledge of students in order to evaluate their level or progress
평가, 검사
a unit of study within a course offered by a college or university, covering a specific topic or area of study
모듈, 수업 단위
a sum of money given by an educational institution to someone with great ability in order to financially support their education
장학금, Scholarship
to temporarily prevent someone from going to school as a punishment because they did something wrong
정학시키다, 일시적으로 중단하다
to formally present something, such as a proposal or document, to someone in authority for review or decision
제출하다, 제안하다
to officially register oneself or someone else as a participant in a course, school, etc.
등록하다, 입학하다