이 부사는 어떤 일이 가능한 최대 수준까지 존재하거나 발생함을 나타냅니다. "완전히", "절대적으로", "완전히" 등이 포함됩니다.
to a full or complete degree, without restriction
절대적으로, 완전히
to the greatest amount or extent possible
완전히, 전적으로
(used for emphasis) to the fullest degree or extent
철저히, 완전히
to the highest extent or capacity
to the full amount or degree
완전히, totally
to the fullest or complete degree
to the highest degree
아주, 매우
to an absolute or complete extent
used to emphasize the extent or intensity of something
단순히, 그냥
to the highest or utmost degree
극도로, 매우
to an extreme or complete degree
근본적으로, 급진적으로
used to emphasize something
완벽하게, 전적으로
absolute, complete, or unequivocal in its nature or extent
완전한, 절대적인
completely or entirely
entirely, completely, and without exception
완전히, 전혀
more than any other thing
주로, 주되
in a manner that indicates the majority of something is in a certain condition or of a certain type
주로, 대부분
in a manner that consists mostly of a specific kind, quality, etc.
주로, 주요하게
to a great extent
used to indicate a primary or fundamental role or focus
주로, 주로서
in a way that refers to the main and defining attributes or aspects of something
주로, 주된
to a significant degree
주로, 상당히