이 부사는 "일종의", "오히려", "공정하게" 등과 같이 너무 높지도 낮지도 않은 정도에 따라 어떤 일이 존재하거나 발생함을 나타냅니다.
to a degree or extent that is unclear
어느 정도, 일종의
in some ways or to some degree
to a degree that is high but not very high
꽤, 상당히
to some extent or degree
more than average, but not too much
상당히, 어느 정도
to a specific extent or degree
부분적으로, 어느 정도
to a specific degree, particularly when compared to other similar things
상대적으로, 비교적
to an average extent or degree
to a degree or extent that is enough
충분히, 적절히
to a certain degree or extent in comparison to something else
to a moderate degree or extent
다소, 약간
to a degree that is considered moderate by many
조금, 약간
to an extent or degree that is moderate or satisfactory
합리적으로, 적당하게
to an extent that is partial and not complete
반, 부분적으로
used with a number to suggest an unspecified quantity close to the stated number
약, 대략
used in making a comparison between two things or persons
처럼, 같은
to a smaller amount, extent, etc. in comparison to a previous state or another thing or person
덜, 더 적게